
Links to archives, heritage and genealogical organisations websites.

Medway Archives
Medway Archives Centre

The Medway Archives Centre aims to help everyone discover the stories of Medway’s people and places.

CityArk - Medway Archive's online archive catalogue

The Medway Council Heritage Services online catalogue for the collections of Medway Archives Centre and the Guildhall Museum, Rochester.

National and Regional Archives, Libraries and Online Resources
The National Archives

The National Archives are a non-ministerial department, and the official archive and publisher for the UK Government, and for England and Wales.

Canterbury Cathedral Archives

The Canterbury Cathedral Archives & Library holds an impressive collection of manuscripts, historic records, photographs, maps and printed books dating back to the late 8th century. The Archives and Library enable the exploration of the history of Canterbury and the surrounding area, as well as East Kent family history.

Forces War Records

Forces War Records has been transcribing records from a multitude of sources in the UK since 2010 holding over 2 million records.

Kent History and Library Centre

The Kent Archives provides the opportunity to learn, explore and develop knowledge of Kent's history.

Archival, Historical, Archaeological and Family History Societies
Friends of The National Archives (FTNA)

Helping to preserve the nation’s documentary heritage and making it more accessible.

Related links:
FTNA Events | Join the FTNA

The Friends of The National Archives is a registered charity and voluntary organisation set up in 1988 at the then Public Record Office (PRO) and launched at a conference celebrating 150 years of the setting up of the PRO. We now have over 1000 members across the UK and globally too – including Europe, and North America. We were registered as a charity in 1990 and became incorporated as a CIO in 2020. We have a governing Council, comprising members of the Charity with trustee status and responsibility. The governance of the Friends is entirely on a voluntary basis. The Friends is a member of the British Association of the Friends of Museums (BAFM). We also network with other like-minded voluntary organisations supporting local archives, in addition to local and family history societies.

City of Rochester Society

The City of Rochester Society was founded in 1967 to help conserve the historic City as a pleasant place to visit. Today the Society is as active as ever, helping to improve the environment and quality of life in Rochester for residents and visitors alike. Since its formation, the Society has been active in many ways to the benefit of Rochester and its people.

Kent Archaeological Society

The Kent Archaeological Society’s interests embrace the full range of specialist archaeological and historical subjects including the study of Kent’s landscape, the County’s social, economic and political history, its religious and domestic built heritage, defences, industrial archaeology etc (encouraging the involvement of the wider community wherever possible).

Kent Family History Society

The largest family history society in Kent, with over 2,000 members worldwide. Established in 1974, the Kent Family History Society have a proud history of helping and supporting our members in their family history research.

North West Kent Family History Society

The North West Kent Family History Society specialise in helping people with their family histories in North West Kent, South East London and beyond.

Rochester Avionics Archive

The Rochester Avionic Archives feature a large avionic hardware collection together with an archive of films, documents, videos, brochures and newspapers.

Kent History and Genealogy
Historic Medway

A website dedicated to the history of each of the Medway Towns.

Kent Genealogy

A resource for genealogy in Kent. The website includes many indexes and transcripts containing over 90,000 names and over 350 links to other useful sites.

Rainham History

A website dedicated to the history of Rainham. The website includes photos, articles and information about bygone times in Rainham, Kent.

Articles on Medway and World War I
BBC News Magazine: British Nurses in World War One

"Nursing in World War One was exhausting, often dangerous work and the women who volunteered experienced the horror of war firsthand, some paying the ultimate price. But their story is surrounded by myth and their full contribution often goes unrecognised, writes Shirley Williams..."

Duquesne University / School of Nursing: The History of Wartime Nurses

"Today, nurses in the United States are required to have a nursing degree, but that wasn’t always the case. Women have a long history of serving as nurses to soldiers in the military. In the earliest days of American history, nurses were untrained. Many of them were women who couldn’t eke out a living with their men off to war, so they followed the troops and made themselves useful where they could to earn safety, food, and lodging. Later, the important role that nurses played during wartime was recognized and training programs were established. Today, nurses serve in all branches of the military..."

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Excepted Charity: XR92894.
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